Partnership between Structure Lock and The Home Depot Announced

Vancouver B.C. Canada May 3,2022 — Structure Lock announces it has executed a Supplier Buying Agreement (SBA) partner with The Home Depot, in stores and online, for sales of its retrofit X braces.

“We are extremely excited to work closely with The Home Depot and look forward to helping home owners increase the seismic strength of their home”

Structure Lock\’s products do 3 things. Helps prevent deflection (downward force or a trampolining effect on a floor), shear ( what you would consider a sideways motion that earthquakes create and vibration. Our product has been tested at the UBC Earthquake research facility and proven to reduce this in any wood frame structure making them safer. 

You will soon be able to find Structure Lock\’s retrofit X braces in stores and online at The Home Depot. For any additional questions please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

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